Powdery mildews fungi of trees of Karaganda, Balkhash and Temirtau cities
tree plantings, herbarium, phytopathogenic fungi, host-plant, powdery mildews fungi, seasonal dynamics, appendages, chasmotheciaAbstract
Karaganda region is a major industrial center of our country. In such cities of the region as Karaganda, Temirtau and Balkhash there are large enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, construction, chemical JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, JSC “Temirtau Electrometallurgical Combine”, LLP “Ecominerals”, JSC
“Central Asia Cement”, “Agat-Service” LLP, JSC “Kazakhstan Invest Comir”, LLP “Kazakhmys Corporation”, LLP “MMC Kazpolymetal”, Metal-Kit Karaganda, LLP “Mining and Metallurgical Combine”, Non-ferrous metals processing plant, etc. All technogenic factors lead to a decrease in plant productivity and often to their death. The dynamics of seasonal development of phytopathogenic fungi depends on meteorological conditions. Changes in the dynamics of factors corresponding to the season of the year occur in the habitat of the species. Phytopathogenic fungi also directly depend on their own host -plants, the conditions of their development and the growing season. The article presents information about the types of powdery fungi affect-ing various types of trees growing in parks and squares of the cities of Karaganda, Balkhash, Temirtau. 4 sp e-cies of trees affected by powdery mildew were analyzed. And during the study, the following types of
phytopathogenic fungi were identified at various stages of development: Uncinula aceris Sacc., Microsphaera betulae Magnus, Microsphaera penicillata (Wallroth.) Leveille, Uncinula salicis Winter f. populorum Rabenhorst. Phytopathogenic fungi of trees growing in parks and squares of the industrial cities of Temirtau and Balkhash were studied for the first time.