Landscape structural features of geosystem of the Arys River Basin


  • M.N. Mussabayeva
  • E.K. Shulgaubayev
  • G.B. Abiyeva



geosystem, river basin, hydrography, geochemistry, hydrogeological situation, landscape, landscape map, landscape structure.


The formation of the structure of modern Geosystems is influenced by the processes of long-term changes in natural conditions, and now it is associated with a constant increase in economic use. At the same time, the increase in global environmental problems, such as climate change, urban proliferation, reduction of natural landscapes, surface and groundwater pollution, requires the issue of determining scientifically based measures and directions for managing the environment in river basins. The main purpose of the work is to identify the landscape structural features of the geosystem of the Arys River Basin, the patterns of development of Geosystems in conditions of intensive changes in natural components and generalize the results obtained. To achieve the set goals, the authors used traditional methods used in complex geographical, landscape, geosystem and geoecological research. The main base of approaches to the study of natural and anthropogenic dynamics of the geosystem is formed by historical, cartographic and comparison methods. In the work, spatial and temporal research of the geosystem was carried out. According to the object of study, it is proposed to consider the region divided into mesogeosystems. The features of natural and anthropogenic Geosystems were studied in detail in many indicators. Possible topical problems of the future, which are scientifically important for large-scale landscape structural age and physical geography, were solved: sub-, sub-Geosystems that dominate the Macrogeosystem of the dictionary were studied; For the first time, an analysis of the arys river basin was carried out using GIS technologies, depending on its comprehensive natural indicators; it was found that the vast majority of the arys River Basin is Geosystems with anthropogenic impact. The theoretical significance of the dissertation research is the further improvement of the structural landscape, geoecological methodology for a complete assessment of Geosystems in areas of active technogenic and economic activity.





