The influence of atmospheric pollution on the growth and development of pine in the conditions of the Irtysh Semipalatinsk region
pine, shoots, trunk, skeletal roots, periodicity of growth, linear and radial growth, morphometric methodAbstract
The wide range of common pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), its growth in different climatic zones and environmental conditions led to changes in morphological differences. The object of study is a ribbon woods population of
pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) within the Irtysh region of the Semipalatinsk region. The article presents data on the growth dynamics of annual shoots of Pinus sylvestris in conditions of various gas contamination. The comparison of morphometric parameters of growth of pine shoots on three test areas, including the control area, was carried out. The pilot site was located within the city of Semey, the area of the Silicate plant (pilot site, Semey N 50.468442, E 80.212024) is considered the most polluted, two control areas were laid at a distance of 35 km (control area, Kashtak village, N 50.3983, E 80.6248) and 60 km from the city along the Borodulikha highway (control area, Borodulikha village, N 50.7336, E 80.8865). In an article describes the morphometric method of studying trees. For quantitative estimates of anthropogenic impact on the environment, data on the growth of woody plants are used, namely the study of the growth dynamics of annual shoots and pine needles. Based on this, 10 model pines were selected for the study at each site, aged 25 –30 years, 6–9 meters high, d 24–36. The study of the length of the needles of experimental and control plants gave a clear characteristic of the changes arising under the influence of industrial pollution. As for the Pinus sylvestris growing in Priirtyshye, defined terms of the beginning, the termination, duration of visible gain.