Histochemical method for fluorescent staining of Zn +2 -ions in glands
B-cells, Prostate, Salivary glands, 8-para(toluenesulphonylamino)quinolone, Zn +2 -ionsAbstract
It is showed by authors that using of 8-para(toluenesulphonylamino)quinoline — a derivative of 8-oxyquino-lin result histochemical revealing by using of fluorescent microscopy of Zn+2-ions in cells of tissue of pros-tate, in pancreatic B-cells and in salivary glands contains a large amounts of ions. This method is high sensitive and high specific for revealing of Zn+2-ions and there are only one step of staining procedures. Mean-while it is possible to use only fresh frozen sections of tissues for investigation within short time limited by 15–20 min.