Publication Fees
Publication of articles of the journal "Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography)" is carried out in open access under the Gold Open Access model, i.e. the article is available to readers on the journal's website, without any financial and technical limitations.
When articles are published in open access, an author's fee (Open Access Fee) is charged, which compensates the costs of editing, since access to the article is absolutely free for all persons interested in these materials.
Payment for publication is made by the authors only after passing the review procedure and a positive decision of the editorial board to accept the manuscript for publication.
Authors pay the author fee on their own or through grants, affiliated organizations, etc..
Cost of publication:
- For foreign authors without affiliation with Kazakhstani organizations - free of charge;
- For authors with a Hirsch index of more than 10 - no fee is charged
- On biology series for the authors of the Karaganda University of the name of academician E.A.Buketov (faculty members, master and doctoral students) - 20 000 tenge, on medicine and geography series - 10 000 tenge.
- For third-party authors: for biology series - 40 000 tenge; for medicine and geography series - 20,000 tenge.
Requisites for payment:
Non-profit Joint Stock Company "Karaganda University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov»
JSC « Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan»
IIK KZ796010191000077867
BIN 990540002444 КБе 16
KNP 857
For publication of the article in the journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography»
АО «Банк Центр Кредит»
ИИК KZ988560000004472257
БИН 990540002444 КБе 16
КНП 857
For publication of the article in the journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography».
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