The application of insulin analogues in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: the focus on the cardio protection
diabetes mellitus type 2, fasting blood glucose level, postprandial hyperglycemia, glycosylated haemoglobin, insulin analoguesAbstract
We have investigated 20 patients with type 2 diabetes, with an average age of 58,0 ± 4,32 years, with disease duration of 6,29 ± 1,28 years. The carbohydrate metabolism was estimated: fasting blood glucose and 2 hours later after meal, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C). For the purpose of determine the safety of insulin analogues, have been studied biochemical parameters of blood before and after 3 months of therapy. The basic criterion of the safety of the therapy within 3 months of application study of insulin analogues was the number of daytime and nighttime hypoglycaemia, as well as the dynamics of body weight during the study period. Structural and functional state of the left parts of heart was assessed by echocardiography and dopplerography of transmitral blood flow. For all patients were assigned insulin analogues, the average daily dose was 32,4 ± 2,8 units, particularly rapid-acting insulin aspart (Novorapid) and acting insulin detemir (Levemir).
Analogs of human insulin had a favorable effect on carbohydrate metabolism and reduced the incidence of
nocturnal hypoglycemia. Also, there was a trend to improvement of the structural parameters and left ventricular diastolic function in patients with type 2 diabetes after treatment with insulin analogues. Application of insulin analogues have proven the safety of the insulin group in terms of prevention of hypoglycemia, which
has a positive effect on cardiovascular events in the outcome of the treatment of diabetes.