Influence of work of the enterprise «Arselor Metall Steel» on the level of pollution of atmospheric air of Temirtau
pollution of the atmosphere, iron and steel work, dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfurous anhydride, phenol, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfideAbstract
In this article influence of the Arselor Metall Steel enterprise on the condition of atmospheric air of districts of the city of Temirtau, adjacent to the enterprise, is considered. The annual dynamics of the content of harmful substances in the air reflecting the main tendency of increase of the indicators values in summer months, mainly in July, decrease in September and repeated increase of values in November are shown. The main substances polluting the air were defined: dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfurous anhydride, phenol, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide. The analysis of the results showed that in the surface layer of the atmosphere of the studied areas the concentration of sulfurous anhydride and hydrogen sulfide considerably exceeds the standard values. According to the results of the research it was revealed that the region OKZhETPES, the area DNTI and 117 quarter belong to the zones, which are exposed to the most intensive negative impact, the quarter ABC belongs to the zone with the least pollution.