To the study of species composition of wild relatives of cultivated plants of floristic area Mugodzhary mountains
wild relatives of cultivated plants, Mugodzhary, floristic region, practical-useful properties, perspective properties, floraAbstract
At the article the analysis of species composition and perspective degree of wild relatives of cultivated plants
of floristic region Mugodzhary (Aktobe region, Kazakhstan) is conducted. As results of treatment of literature data and own field investigation is determined that the list of wild relatives of cultivated plants of present floristic region includes 123 species from 73 genera and 19 families. The most spreading families are Poaceae (40 species), Fabaceae (18 species), Rosaceae (14 species) и Asteraceae (10 species). Among wild relatives of cultivated plants the maximum number belonged to fodder plants — 106 species; second position belonged to food plants — 61 species, on third position — medical plants (herbs) with 37 species. Meadow plants presented 24 species, technical plants — 20 species, vitamin plants — 13 species and decorative plants — 21 species. Among life forms are dominated perennial herbal plants. The analysis of priority of wild relatives of cultivated plants let us to separate all plants the following: to 1st group — 25 species; to 2nd group — 3 species; to 3rd group — 19 species; to 4th group — 4 species; to 5th group — 72 species.