Prevention destruction of pancreatic B-cells induced by chelators by reduced form of Glutathione
B-cells, R-Glutathione, insulin, zinc, experimental diabetesAbstract
Authors investigated preventive effect of Reduced form of Glutathione on developing of diabetes caused by diabetogenic zinc binding ligands. It isshown that only Reduced form of Glutathione contains SH-radical in chemical structure possesses ability to protect B-cells of death unlike the Oxidized form of the Glutathione, free of it. It was established that injection of R-Glutathione, 1000 mg/kg completely connects with zinc in B-cells that protect cells of formation of toxic complexes causing destruction of B-cells and development of diabetes. Investigation of chemical aspect of interaction of R-Glutathione with zinc showed that administration of it result a complete blocking of zinc in B-cellstherefore zinc does not revealed using of high specific and sensitive histochemical methods. The studying of duration of blocking of zinc in B-cells showed that complex Zn-R-Glutathione begins to dissociate with partial release of zinc approximately about 36 hours after injection and 48 hours later majority of complex is dissociate. Authors suppose that preventive ability of
R-Glutathione is caused by ability to formation of not toxic temporary complex with zinc; zincatom is fixed between atom of sulfur of the SH-radical and atom of oxygen or nitrogen which are contained in a molecule of R-Glutathione as well as after administration of diabetogenic chelators between of sulfur atom — and either oxygen atom, or atoms of nitrogen or carbon on the other hand.