Territorial development of social infrastructure of the Aktyubinsk oblast


  • E.Zh. Imashev
  • A.A. Turgumbayev




Aktyubinsk oblast, social infrastructure, security of the population, territorial development, administrative regions


Article is devoted to study features of territorial development of social infrastructure of the Aktyubinsk oblast which has developed under the influence of formation process and development of territorial and branch structure of economy and system of resettlement of the population. Here at work is offerd author's interpretation of the concept «social infrastructure». Using technique of the security assessment of the population with social objects offered by N.M. Logacheva, and was made attempt to define territorial differentiation on a levels of development of social infrastructure ofthe Aktyubinsk oblast in a section of administrative regions. On the basis of calculations of integrated indicators of security of the population with social objects counting on 1000 inhabitants and the level of development of social infrastructure is made map-scheme «Territorial differentiation of social infrastructure development of the Aktyubinsk oblast in 2015». As a result there were revealed level of social and infrastructure system and security of the population of administrative regions of the Aktyubinsk oblast with social objects development. Calculations and the comparative analysis have shown that the maximum level of development and high degree of security of the population with objects of social infrastructure is characteristic territories of the Aktyubinsk city administration, namely the Aktyubinsk agglomeration which is the center of concentration of the population and economic entities of the Aktyubinsk oblast. Uilskiy and Kargalinskiy districts have the lowest level of development of social infra-structure and security of the population with social institutions.





