Efficient ways of using information and communication technology service LearningApps.org at geography lessons
interactive, education, technology, computer, modernity, information, service, online, education, activityAbstract
In this article examined the features of the creation and application of didactic materials at the geography lessons which are created with an online service — LearningApps.org. and presents personal practical experience in using information technology tools in geography lessons with this site and analyzing the effectiveness of teaching. The aim of the research of interactive module LearningApps.org is the development of individual creative students’ skills in the informational medium of modern world in the course of teaching process. The use of the interactive LearningApps.org module at lessons of geography gives the chance to students to unite
educational space freely. The registered users in this resource have an opportunity to use different available
exercises. They are: animations, quizzes, rebuses, chronological lists and cycles of drawings. It LearningApps.org service is used in teaching process, lessons become interesting, and cognitive activity of students increases. The computer serves here not only as technical tool, but also at the same time as an assistant. While preparing a project, it is necessary for students to find material, to define its structure, to connect them with each other and also it is necessary to analyze it. LearningApps.org service can be used at all stages
of a lesson. In this article the effective aspects of this program is described at geography lessons.