Features in the dynamics of morphometric parameters in rats after long-term intake of vegetable products, grown in industrial regions of the Karaganda region


  • A.E. Konkabaeva
  • D.Yu. Sirman
  • R.A. Kolossov




heavy metals, vegetables, industrial regions, copper, morphometry, body weight, liver


The article is devoted to the influence of accumulation of some heavy metals on the change of basic biometric indicators, such as body weight and mass of internal organs. A brief literary analysis was made on the effect of copper and its salts on biochemical processes that affect the dynamics of the increase in mass and index indices of the body. The article presents the results of a study on the effect of plant products grown in suburban areas in various industrial regions of Kazakhstan, on the morphometric parameters of the body and internal organs. Average statistical indicators characterizing the general development of internal organs and the animal as a whole were determined. The obtained results showed that the body weight of experimental animals varies depending on the duration of metal exposure and the amount of Fe
3+, Cu2+, Zn2+in the vegetables. It has been established that the increase in body weight and liver weight in animals is associated with a high amount of copper in vegetable products. The results of the study also showed the selective response of internal organs to the effect of heavy metals in the case of a change in mass.





