Specification of odonatafauna species diversity in some areas of Karaganda region
dragonflies, odonatofauna, Family Lestidae, Family Coenagrionidae, Family Aeschnidae, Family Corduliidae, Family LibellulidaeAbstract
The article provides information on the species composition of dragonflies in some areas of Karaganda region. Specified period, number and place of collection of odonatofauna areas are study. In order to identify the species composition according to literary sources, the author pays special attention to the peculiarities of the morphology of the Odonata. An updated faunal list of species of dragonflies submitted of the vicinities of Karaganda region. Dominant and concomitant types of dragonflies are determined. It is revealed that the background form a family of Libellulidae. In general, to the conditions of the Karaganda region the most common representatives of the family of Libellulidae, in our collections this family is represented by four genera and seven species. Dominant on the number of occurrence of the species in the city of Karaganda of the dragonfly Sympetrum flaveolum, codominant is Lestes barbarus F., rare species is Libellula fulva Mull., and in Shakhtinsk is the dominant species Libellula quadrimaculata L., codominant is Orthetrum cancellatum L., rare species is Platycnemus pennipes, Pall. and Cordulia aenea L. The characteristic features of biology and ecology of mass species are highlighted and described. The article also discusses the features of seasonal activity of dragonflies, marked daily peaks of activity and mating periods.