To the methodology for the study of intraspecific variability and selection of wild forms of Viburnum opulus L.


  • T.A. Vdovina
  • O.A. Lagus



distribution, quantitative characteristics, degree of flowering, fruits, color, variability


The methodological recommendation for the study of intraspecific variability and the selection of wild-growing promising for breedingforms of common Viburnumis written on the basis of a large amount of factual material obtained from the study of this species in the East Kazakhstan region. It includes an assessment of the current state of Viburnum opulus L. populations, with range mapping in ArcMap and ArcGis programs. The geobotanical, phytocenotic description is given. First, the forms are described according to 25 quantitative and qualitative features. Then, on the basis of this, the selection of promising forms, the collection of seeds and cloning with green cuttings is carried out. The distribution of Viburnum plants occurred according to the degree of flowering, fruiting, fruit length and diameter. The data were divided into classes with the smallest, average and largest values into five groups, by weight and number of fruits into four groups. The scoring system was applied to seven characteristics: the general condition of plants, winter hardiness, the degree of flowering and fruiting, color, taste, and the nature of the detachment of fruits. The study of endogenous variability of morphological and economic-biological characters is carried out in the crown of one individual. After studying the average indicator of the trait and the amplitude of its variation for different individuals, they proceed to the study of intra-population variability. After mathematical processing, a questionnaire is filled out for each plant according to the selected form, which will make it possible to better represent the studied form to study genotypic and phenotypic variability in the future. The use of this recommendation in research work will allow assessing the genetic potential of the species, the level of its intraspecific variability, and selecting promising forms.





