Dairy productivity of genetic sources of selection camel stock in the south of Kazakhstan


  • E.K. Adilbekova
  • G.S. Abuov
  • N.N. Alibaev




dairy efficiency, camel, Kazakh population, genetic source


For increasing the productivity of camel’s milk and meat in Kazakhstan is necessary to expand the area of breeding of native breeds of camels. For improving zootechnical parameters and increasing productivity of Kazakh Bactrian camels and Turkmen Arabian camels is necessary to hold out measures for development selective aspects on breeding of high-productive genotypes of camels with the taking into the account of availa-ble gene pool of purebred and hybrid animals. It is necessary to use breeds of camels with the limited gene pool and also breeds which can be met in Kazakhstan for selective reasons. The purpose of this work is detection of features of dairy efficiency of genetic sources of camels of Kazakh population of Arvana and Bactrian camel for development selective aspects of highly productive genotypes of camels taking into the account available gene pool of purebred and hybrid camels of South Kazakhstan and Almaty areas. For establishment the dairy efficiency of camels was carried out monitoring on detection of average daily milking and fatness of milk in specialized camel farms «Syzdykbekov А.», «Usenov N.», «Daulet-Beket» and «Bagdat». In these camel farms was carried out individual account of milking at examined camels. Received data on the carried out researches of milk productivity of camels of the milch herd confirm data on high content of fat in milk of the Kazakh Bactrian, at the same time milking at this breed is at the very low level. In the base farms of milk productivity area genetic sources of camels of different populations on dairy efficiency have their own genetic features. At the same time milking camels of Arvana breed are effective for breeding on the South of Ka-zakhstan for development of milk industry. It is necessary to maintenance their high variation at increasing
the total milking level, because it causes as source for selection. The positive connection between variability
of milking and level of productivity allows hoping on significant increasing of diversity at improvement of feeding and storage, which leads to increasing of selective differential and in result it will improve effect of selection. In the presented research work are formed selective and tribal herds of camels of different geno-types by the estimation of their dairy efficiency.





