Pharmacognostic analysis of plant material of Nepeta pannonica
Nepeta pannonica, pharmacognosy, plant raw material, macro- andmicroscopic analysis, diagnostic signsAbstract
Pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials is an important stage of introducing the species into official use. The object of the study was the above-ground organs of Nepeta pannonica (family Lamiaceae), for which macro- and microscopic analysis was performed. The following diagnostic characters were determined at the macroscopic level: leaf — shape of leaf lamina, type of veining; stem — type of shoot branching, coloration, sub-rotative arrangement of leaves, weak pubescence; inflorescence — arrangement of flowers; flower calyx — shape of teeth, type of pubescence, fine ribbing; flower corolla — shape and size, coloration. The shape of epidermis cells of the upper and lower sides, areas above the veins; diacytic stomata, presence of small multicellular trichomes and large essential oil glands in the structure of leaf, stem, calyx and flower corolla; division of mesophyll into columnar and spongy tissues on the transverse section of the leaf were determined as microscopic features of the raw material.