Pharmacognostic study of raw materials Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip.
Tripleurospermum inodorum, Asteraceae, medicinal plant, plantmaterial, macro- and microscopic analysis, diagnostic signsAbstract
Introduction of new plant species into medical practice requires pharmacognostic research, including deter-mination of macro- and microscopic parameters of plant raw materials. The article presents the results of ana-tomical and morphological study of aboveground organs of Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip., col-lected in natural conditions in the flowering phase. The plant exhibits anticoagulant properties, has softening,
antispasmodic and analgesic properties, and exhibits antibacterial activity. According to the results of the
analysis of morphological and anatomical indicators of trice berries unpalatable determined diagnostic signs
of raw materials at the macro- and microscopic level. So, at macroscopic level the following signs are de-fined: a shape, color of a stem from a surface and color on a break; a shape and degree of dissection of a leaf
plate, the form of final lobules of leaflets; a shape of a flower basket, features of a structure of leaves of a
coverlet, a flower spike; a structure and a form of tubular and bell-shaped flowers. At the microscopic level, the signs of Tripleurospermum inodorum raw material are as follows: shape and structure of the stem, place-ment of the main tissues; shape and structure of the epidermal cells of the flower corolla and the wrapper
leaves, location of receptacles and essential-oil glands. The received results can enter the project of normative
documents on vegetative raw materials of the given kind.