Biotesting of Chlorella sp algae for certain medicinal drugs
Chlorella sp, medicinal drug, biotesting, biomassAbstract
In recent years, the study of drugs as pollutants in the country is gaining momentum. This is because the
country does not use special wastewater treatment devices for pharmaceuticals. They enter the environment in
different ways. Therefore, research on biotesting drugs in living organisms is underway. The article presents
the results of experiments conducted to assess the effect of paracetamol, azithromycin, suprastin on the num-ber and biomass of Chlorella sp algae. Chlorella sp algae are a widely used organism for biotesting. Among
the above drugs in the study, paracetamol had a negative effect on the number and biomass of algae. The
minimum harmful concentration of paracetamol for chlorella was 5 mg/L, the minimum harmful concentra-tion of azithromycin for chlorella was 200 mg/L, the minimum harmful concentration of chlorella suprastin
was 8 mg/L. When comparing the effect of paracetamol, azithromycin, suprastin on the number of green algae Chlorella sp, it was observed that paracetamol had the highest effect. Concentration of paracetamol 10mg/L brought the number of chlorella close to 0. High concentrations of paracetamol and suprastin in the biomass of chlorella showed contamination of the environment.