The influence of toxic gases and organic compounds of oil waste on the human body based on scientific research


  • М.А. Алшынбаева
  • А.Б. Ешмагамбетова



petroleum products, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan, acetone, benzene, oxygen, ozone, sulfuric acid, occupational health, concentration


In connection with the development of the oil and gas industry, air pollution as a result of human activities is currently relevant. Hydrocarbons, mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide are among the polluting components of the oil industry. Air pollution with this kind of toxic waste poses a real threat to human health. It can be noted that the region is polluted with gases generated by the use of organic solvents, such as gasoline, fuel oil, acetone, and benzene. The chemistry of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere is of great interest from a hygienic point of view. When released into the atmospheric air, this gas reacts with oxygen and ozone to form sulfur dioxide. This gas combines with water to form sulfuric acid, which continually oxidizes to become sulfuric acid. When hydrogen sulfide is oxidized in air, sulfur dioxide is formed, and when oxidized in water, simple sulfur is formed. Workers at oil transportation facilities are at high risk of direct contact with oil waste. Therefore, the population living near production facilities is at the greatest risk. Harmful rates of spread among the population, if not acted upon immediately, will cause significant damage to the body as a result of chronic poisoning. Studies have shown that these toxic substances cause damage to the nervous, cardiac, immune, gastrointestinal and other systems of the body due to their long-term exposure in small quantities. All volatile organic solvents enter the human body through the lungs, skin, digestive organs and accumulate in the nervous and adipose tissues. Depending on the chemical structure, toxicity and distribution coefficient in the body differ.





