Current state and future development potential of the oak forests in the floodplain of the Ural River (West Kazakhstan)


  • V.Yu. Kirillov
  • V.P. Aleka
  • A.A. Ivashchenko
  • A.N. Rakhimzhanov
  • N.S. Kelgenbayev
  • D.U. Auezov
  • G.S. Aitekov
  • T.N. Stikhareva



Quercus robur, floodplain forest, site quality class, age composition, stand density, natural regeneration, EX-ACT, anthropogenic impact


The article provides information on the current state of the oak forests of the Ural River floodplain (West Kazakhstan) based on the analysis of forest inventory materials (as of 01.01.1992 and 01.01.2016) and field surveys. The study of the dynamics of the oak forests (Quercus roburL.) is timely and relevant due to the important ecological role of the oak forests as the most resilient among floodplain forests, and the need to preserve their biological diversity near the south-eastern limit of the natural distribution range. Over a 24-year period, the area of the oak forests decreased by 98.7 hectares (4 %). During the study there has been a decrease in the stand density and site productivity, as well as the predominance of mature stands reproduced through re-sprouting. Pure oak forests or oak forest with an insignificant admixture of Ulmus laevis Pall., Populus alba L. and Acer negundo L. are the most common oak forest types. Natural regeneration of Q. robur is unsatisfactory or absent altogether. The total projective cover of the grass layer is up to 90 %, however, its floristic diversity is low. Authors of the article present estimates of the carbon balance of the oak forests under various management scenarios, obtained by using the EX-ACT tool. We stress the need to develop measures aimed at preserving these unique forests, including promotion of the natural regeneration of Q. robur and the creation of sustainable forest plantations. To reduce the impact of anthropogenic factors on oak forests (felling, grazing, recreation, etc.), we propose to create a specially protected area in the region.





