Characteristics of growth rates as a result of salt impact on seedlings of Suaeda
saline soil, halophytes, salt concentration, soil extract solution, salt stress, seeds, seedlings, Suaeda salsaAbstract
This article presents the experiment data on pre-sowing treatment of Suaeda salsa Pall. seeds by different concentrations of salts (Na2SO4and NaCl) and soil extract solutions (0 %, 0.6 %, 1.2 %, 1.8 %, 2.8 %, and 3.6 %). The reaction of seedlings and young roots of S. salsa was observed, grown after treatment to salt solutions and soil extracts. In addition, based on the results of the growth of young roots and shoots which are exposed to salt, a comparative description of the growth rates of seedlings and young roots before and after salt stress was made. The results of the experiment showed that S. salsa seeds have a high germination capacity after the elimination of the high level of salt stress and soil extract solution. The significant changes in development rate of S. salsa juvenile root and shoot during and after the salt stress, as well as increasing the germination rate after influence of salt stress were noticed. It was discovered that the growth rates of young roots and shoots of S. salsa are different, salt solutions considerably inhibited the growth of roots of plants seedlings compared to soil extract solution. The salt concentration has a greater effect on roots development. It
was found that after the removal of salt stress, the germination rate and regenerative capacity of S. salsa seedlings increased.