Establishment of in vitro and regeneration ability of the relict endemic Niedzwedzkia semiretschenskia B. Fedtsch
Niedzwedzkia semiretschenkia, regeneration, in vitro cultureAbstract
The experimental data of obtaining in vitro culture of the rare relict species Niedzwedzkia (Incarvillea) semiretschenskia, from the initial seeds collected in natural population in the south of Kazakhstan were presented. The influence of plant growth regulators in Murashige and Skoog nutrient mediums on seed germination, adventitious shoot formation and rooting in vitro was studied. The propagation coefficient for micro-cutting was estimated during four passages. It was shown, that in vitro germination did not exceed 25% on Knopp medium, and the maximum of germination was during seed planting in the soil substrate. The addition of 6-benzylaminopurine to the nutrient medium induced the callus formation from cotyledon’s tissue and adventitious shoots from apical explants of seedlings with native leaves. It was found that the optimal for clonal propagation is the MS medium, containing 0.5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine; in this case, a maximum propagation coefficient of 7.84 was at the second passage. It was found during conservation at a low positive temperature for 6 months; the tube-culture plants of Incarvillea retain their viability and restore their growth when transferred to the stationer conditions of the light room. As a result of research the in vitro establishment and micropropagation of endemic species were carried out and deposited in vitro collection of N. semiretschenskia was created.