Geosystems of the Primorsky ridge (Baikal region) — classification and mapping


  • S.V. Solodyankina
  • Yu.V. Vanteeva



factoral-dynamical series of facies, landscape approach, geosystem structure, hierarchical classification, landscape typological map, satellite images, digital elevation model, ordination


In this article, the application of landscape approach for geosystem classification and mapping was discussed on the example of the landscapes of the Primorsky ridge (Baikal region). Authors of this study used the geosystem concept formulated by V. Sochava and method of factorialdynamical series of facies developed by A. Krauklis for modeling landscape structure of study area. The basis for the development of a hierarchical classification of geosystems was the data of fieldwork at 70 plots. The ordination of the plots by three parameters (topographic wetness index, slope steepness and humus thickness) was carried out using the method of ternary plots to group geosystems into classes and determine their dynamic state. The landscape map was compiled at the local scale (1:50 000) based on fieldwork, DEM, and remote sensing data. As a result, 14 groups of facies were identified in the study area. They were represented by both climax and succession stages, as well as anthropogenic modifications. The main classes of facies formed under the influence of local environmental factors were revealed using factor-dynamic analysis. They are represented by the following dynamic series: sublithomorphic, subhydromorphic, and subxerolithomorphic. The 66 % of the study area is occupied by landscapes of the sublitomorphic series.





