Optimization of conditions for micropropagation and medium-term storage in vitro of a rare Ribes janczewskii for conservation


  • А.С. Нұртаза
  • Д.А. Дюсембекова
  • С.С. Исламова
  • И.Н. Саматова
  • А.Т. Умирзакова
  • А.А. Какимжанова




in vitro culture, Ribes janczewskii, WPM nutrient medium, medium-term storage, mannit, sterilizing agents, micropropagation, microshoots


This article presents the results of studies on the in vitro conservation of a rare species of the Yanchevsky currant plant (Ribes janczewskii). This type of currant is more resistant to diseases, pests and low temperatures, and also contains a large amount of useful substances, such as ascorbic acid, polyphenols and anthocyanins compared to other types. Previously, no research has been done to develop biotechnology to conserve this endangered species. In this work, effective sterilization and the introduction of Yanchevsky currant explants into in vitro culture were selected, a 12% hydrogen peroxide solution was chosen as a sterilizing agent with a sterilization mode of 5 minutes, where the explant viability reached up to 73.3%. Also, for multiplication, the composition of the WPM nutrient medium was optimized with the addition of BAP 0.5 mg/l, GA 0.4 mg/l and IMC 0.1 mg/l, which made it possible to obtain 4.83 new shoots per explant. For the medium-term storage of Yanchevsky currant microshoots, the WPM nutrient medium with the addition of mannitol at a concentration of 20 g/l was chosen as the most optimal condition, as a result of which the increase in shoot height and number of leaves was low, shoot propagation was not observed. A collection of currant Yanchevsky in in vitro culture was created, which allows propagating and preserving this valuable species, and 250 shoots were successfully micropropagated, of which 120 shoots were cultivated on nutrient media for medium-term storage.





