The Betpakdala saiga’s breeding and sex composition
polygamous, morphometric, morphological, exterior, craniometrical, poachingAbstract
The main issue in the article is that saigas have been inhabited in ancient times. At present, the main populations of saiga antelopes are stored only in the Kazakh land. The country has protected zones, changes in seasons and migration paths. The issues of mass involvement of saiga antelopes, measures and their survival are described. The «Altyn Dala» Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan for 2013 has been created to further improve the work of the Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA), i.e. saiga conservation. Nature Protection Initiative informs that nature protection personnel have been provided with special equipment and related trainings. End of November — beginning of December is avery important time for saigas, especially for males. The number of females is several times higher than males; however, females become weaker often, die or become food for predators, such as fox, corsac. The survival rate of these wild animals is very different. Life expectancy of males is 3–4 years, the age of females can reach up to 9 years. Therefore, wild antelopes grow rapidly. Females begin to be fertilized in 7 months. Malesare sexually active in two years. The morphometric characteristics of the internal organs of the saiga werestudied less than other morphological features (exterior, craniometric, etc.).