Selection of an effective DNA extraction method for the detection of Salmonellaby the polymerase chain reaction
Salmonellabacteria, method, identification, DNA extraction,polymerase chain reaction, amplification, silica particlesAbstract
DNA extraction is a crucial step at using molecular and biological methods, since the result of PCR analysis largely depends on the quality and quantity of the obtained DNApreparations. In this work, we compared the efficiency of DNA extraction from bacteria in various ways: thetrizol method using TRizol commercial reagent, the CTAB method and the sorbent method using silica particles. It has been shown that the extraction of DNA from Salmonella bacteria on silica particles ensures higher sensitivity than the other methods. The amplification of the extracted DNA on silica particles is more efficient and allows obtaining reproducible results with the accuracy of a high degree. In the future, this method will be used to complete the test system for diagnosing salmonellosis. Introduction of the methods of express diagnosis into practice is extremely important, as quick and early diagnosis will allow counteracting the spread of infection in a timely manner, which in turn will improve the epidemiological and epizootological situation in the country.