Increase in morphofunctional indicators for girls aged 7–17 living in the northern and southern regions of Kazakhstan
morphofunctional indicators, modern schoolchildren, absolute indicators, relative indicators, phys-ical development, research monitoring, body length, body weight, chest circumference, heart rateAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of growth of morphofunctional indices of modern schoolgirls of 7–17 years old in Pavlodar and Kyzylorda. The results of the study of suchanthropometric parameters as body length, body weight (BL, BW) and chest circumference (CC), wrist strength (WS), amount of reserve fat and active body weight of schoolgirls and their increase in the age range from 7 to 17 years are presented. In the article the growth of blood circulation system indicators such as heartrate (HR), systolic blood volume (SBV), minute blood volume (MBV) in girls of 7–17 years old in Pavlodar and Kyzylorda after a standard load of 12 kg/min relative to the resting state (in %). It was found out that in ontogenesis from 7 to 17 years of age anthropometric and functional indicators of physical development of all examined schoolgirls significantly increased. It was noted that there are significant differences in many ages between peers living in Pavlodar and Kyzylorda. Thus, the values of BW, CC, wrist strength, active body weight are lower in schoolgirls from Kyzylorda than from Pavlodar, while BL is higher in girls from Kyzylorda aged 14–17 years. The data obtained testify to the regional peculiarities of schoolgirls' development and determine the need to continue monitoring studies and observations of changes in the condition of schoolgirls in these regions.