Restoration of endangered Populus diversifolia Schrenk population in the basins of the Ile and Syrdarya rivers by in vitro cloning
Populus diversifolia, aseptic plants, clonal micropropagation, rhizogenesis, container cultureAbstract
The restoration of regressing populations of Populus diversifolia Schrenkis effectively carried out using in vitro cloning, which allows you to quickly and in large quantities obtain planting material in containers with a closed root system and plant in their natural habitat. The introduction of P. diversifolia into in vitro culture is effectively carried out in the winter period after the completion of physiological dormancy. Annual lignified cuttings 6-7 cm long with 2-3 buds from selected plus trees were sterilized from saprophytic microflora with Belizna bleach (1:1) for 10 minutes and a solution of 0.1% HgCl2 for 5 minutes and placed on the medium. The optimal medium for clonal micropropagation is MS, BAP-0.1 mg/l; GA-0.02 mg/l; B1-0.5 mg/l; glucose 20 g/l. To transfer plants from in vitro to container culture, the best substrate is peat + chernozem + sand, 50/40/10, respectively. For restoration of forests 225 pcs. seedlings in containers were planted on the territory of the Bakanas Forestry in the delta of the river and 200 pcs. on the territory of Otrar State Institution for the Protection of Forests and Wildlife in the delta of the Syrdarya River. The survival rate of seedlings in the delta of the Ili River was 95% and in the delta of the Syrdarya River 43%.