Analysis of the terms of the school course of biology and formation of the concept of presentation of information for the creation of a trilingual dictionary


  • M.Yu. Ishmuratova
  • A.N. Kalizhanova
  • T.V. Maryshkina
  • G. Dyke
  • S.U. Tleukenova



biology, terms, trilingual dictionary, vocabulary selection, systematization, frequency, Russian, Kazakh


The article presents the results of the analysis of the terms of the school course of biology with the formation
of a paper and electronic version of the trilingual dictionary. The scope of terms used in the school course of biology taking into account inter-disciplines connections, which amounted to 2,135 units, has been determined. Biological terms made 2106 titles for the Russian version of the dictionary, 2159 for English and 1890 for Kazakh. It is determined that 304 terms relate to botany section; to zoology section are 467 terms; to cytology section — 67 terms; to genetics section — 151 terms; to anatomy and physiology section — 322 terms; to molecular biology section — 93 terms; to biotechnology section — 37 terms, 455 terms do not refer to any particular field of school biology course. Biological terms are ranked by frequency of use, consonance of pronunciation in the state, Russian and English languages, broken down by the main sections including botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, genetics, biotechnology, molecular biology and evolutionary teaching. The main micro- and macro-composition components of the dictionary entry and dictionary parameters are defined. A set of tertiary dictionaries on biology and an electronic version have been published.





