Study of spreading and plant resources of herbs Scabiosa ochroleucaL. and Scabiosa isetensisL. on the territory of Karaganda region
Scabiosa ochroleuca, Scabiosa isetensis, spreading, harvest, raw material resources, Central Kazakhstan, population, exploitation reserve, volume of possible collectionAbstract
The results of the study of the distribution and raw stocks of herbs Scabiosa ochroleucaand Scabiosa isetensisare presented in the article. Populations involving Scabiosa ochroleucaare timed to meadow, stable meadows, scaffolding forests, river valleys, and intersectional downhill. Individuals grow on the territory of the mountains of Karkaraly, Kuu, Ulytau, Ortau, Kyzyltau, Aksoran, Kent, Bektauata, Buyratau, Spasskiy hills, on river valleys of the rivers Nura, Sherubai-Nura, Sarysu, Shiderty, etc. Features of growth of Scabiosa ochroleucaas a part of a cereal-herbal variaScabiosa ochroleuca, scabiosa-herbal varia, herbal varia-cereal and herbal varia-shrubby community are described. Yield of above-ground was 220–350 kg/ha (in terms of air-dry weight). The total area of detected crops with the participation of Scabiosa ochroleucaco-set 61.3 hectares with an exploitation reserve of 186.26 centners, the volume of possible collection of raw mate-rials — 111.76 centners. The growth of Scabiosa isetensisis timed to the slopes and tops of rocky nozzles, slopes of mountains, steppe raenine areas. Individuals of this species are found in the mountains of Karkaraly, Ulytau, Ortau, Kyzyltau, in the desert of Beth-pakdala, on the exits of rocks of the Central Ka-zakhstan small breeder as part of scabiosa-stipa-herbal varia and cereal-herbal varia communities. Yield of air-dry raw materials was 285–310 kg/ha. The total area is calculated at 29.8 ha, exploitation reserve is 87.83 centners, the volume of possible raw material collection is calculated at 52.70 centners.