Seed germination and development of seedlings of rubber dandelion kok-saghyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin) on in situ soil samples of populations: “Salt Lake”, “Saryzhaz”, “Kegen”


  • К.Р. Утеулин



T. kok-saghyz, seed germination, seedling development, soils in situ populations


Dandelion kok-saghyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin) is endemic to the intermountain valleys of the Tien Shan. T. kok–saghyz – as a source of rubber and inulin is generally recognized as a promising crop for cultivation in the temperate zone of a number of countries in Europe, North America, Asia. The problem is that when T. kok–saghyz is introduced into culture in ex situ conditions, the viability of this endemic species often decreases. The purpose of the work. To conduct comparative studies of seed germination and development of T. kok-saghyz seedlings on soil samples of its in situ populations, on soil samples of ex situ sites and on commercial universal peat soils. The research was carried out in a greenhouse. Research results. For the first time, significantly better development of T. kok-saghyz seedlings was shown on in situ soil samples of the populations “Kegen”, “Saryzhaz”, “Salt Lake” in comparison with the widely used commercial universal peat soils “Bogatyr” and “Fаsco”. Sowing T. kok-saghyz seeds in soil samples of the foothill zone of Almaty is not effective, seed germination is extremely low and seedlings do not develop. Conclusions. The results of these studies serve as a justification for conducting detailed studies of the composition of soils in situ populations of T. kok-saghyz. It is necessary to develop a fertilizer with additives of soil components in situ populations of T. kok-saghyz specifically for the introduced T. kok-saghyz. The use of this “special” fertilizer will ensure an increase in the productivity and stability of the introduced T. kok-saghyz.




