Study of the mineral status of the organism of the workers of the main workshops of the titanium-magnesium combine
titanium workers of the main workshops, indicators of mineral metabolismAbstract
Titanium-magnesium production, being a sub-branch of metallurgy, is characterized by significant heat emissions at a number of technological stages. Numerous studies indicate the adverse effect of the microclimate
on the human body. High air temperature and intense radiation cause a significant strain of thermoregulation,
the state of the central nervous system, neuromuscular apparatus. The heating microclimate aggravates the
negative impact of not only industrial noise, but also harmful gases, toxic substances contained in the air, especially when performing intensive muscle work, nervous and emotional stress. Labor operations are carried
out in conditions of high temperature, heat emission, dust and gas emission. In addition, the work requires
physical efforts to clean the mixer from slag and extract sludge from the melting furnace. In a shift, workers
spend 70% of their time performing labor operations. Anhydrous carnallite melt is poured into the electrolyzes. Here work electrolysis adjusters, electrolysis vacuum cleaners, anodizes, chlorinators, who during the discharge of the melt are 1.5-2.0 meters from the open surface and are exposed to radiant heat, aerosols of magnesium, its oxides, magnesium chloride. The operation requires considerable physical effort. Hygienic studies of the air environment in the main workshops of titanium - magnesium production have shown that toxic chemicals are contained in the air of the working areas of the main workshops: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, magnesium chloride. The concentration of these substances often exceeds the permissible level by several dozen times. There are few works in the literature on the effect on the body of harmful components of the production of magnesium and titanium and their compounds. The existing working conditions adversely affect the health of workers. Workers in the leading specialties of this production often have respiratory organs damaged, and changes in the nervous and skeletal systems are observed. Nonspecific diseases are more com-mon, such as influenza, acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system and skin.