Morphological variability of Tulipa tarda Stapf in introductory populations of different natural zones
Tulipa tarda, introduction, botanical garden, morphology, generative individual, populationAbstract
The results of morphological variability of Tulipa tarda Stapf in introductory populations of botanical gardens of three countries – Kazakhstan (Almaty), Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek) and Ukraine (Kharkov) are con-sidered. Based on long-term observations, it has been proven that it is the most promising representative of wild-growing tulips in Kazakhstan for cultivation in various zones of the Northern Hemisphere. It was revealed that the morphological parameters of generative individuals depend on the geographical location of the area, climatic conditions and soil type. The reliability of the results is confirmed by the fact that the observations were carried out in the same year according to a single method and on a sufficient amount of material for comparison. The most original data were obtained in the botanical garden of Kharkiv University, where three populations of different origin and growing conditions are under observation. In terms of the number of
flowers and leaves of generative individuals, the most powerful development was noted in a population with
periodic digging of bulbs and stable agrotechnical care. Here, on an abandoned site, the same morphological
parameters are similar to those in the collections of Almaty and Bishkek. It has been established that the studied species has a high level of adaptation, successfully naturalizes, forms self-sowing populations on lawns by
spontaneous seed drift. It has been proven that temperature, air humidity, amount of precipitation and day
length in different growing regions have less effect on the morphology of the species than periodic digging
and agrotechnical care.