Patterns in the distribution of chemical elements in birch leaves


  • M.G. Lezhnina
  • M.V. Belousov
  • М.А. Khanina
  • Е.А. Podolina
  • N.M. Potemkina
  • A.P. Rodin



chemical elements, birch leaves, ICP-MS, elemental profile, authenticity, purity


The biological activity of medicinal plant raw materials and herbal remedies is due to a complex of biologically active substances and chemical elements. The study of the influence of growth conditions on the composition and content of chemical elements in medicinal plants and medicinal plant raw materials is relevant. Of particular interest is the study of patterns in the distribution of chemical elements in medicinal
plants, medicinal plant raw materials and the possibility of using the identified patterns to establish the authenticity and purity of raw materials. Birch leaves collected in an ecologically clean area and in areas with
varying degrees of anthropogenic load were studied. The composition and content of elements were analyzed by ICP-MS (ELAN DRC-e ICP-MS mass spectrometer, Agilent 715 ICP-OES optical emission
spectrometer). Statistical processing of the results of chemical analysis was carried out in Microsoft ® Excel
2010. The concentrations of 60 elements were compared using the least squares method. A comparative analysis of the logarithms of concentrations in birch leaves collected from growing areas that differ in the degree of anthropogenic load showed a strong correlation between them (r = 0.99; R2 = 0.9). A diagram showing the periodic dependence of the logarithm of the concentrations of chemical elements represents the elemental profile of birch leaves and can be used to determine their authenticity and purity.





