Periodization of Novokuznetsk city formation on the basis of landscape approach


  • A.L. Ovsyannikova
  • O.S. Andreeva
  • N.T. Egorova
  • D.V. Chernykh



Novokuznetsk urban district, historical plans of Novokuznetsk, stages and periods of city development, urban landscapes, forest and park green belt


This article considers the natural conditions of the territory within which the future city of Novokuznetsk was formed. It is noted that the natural basis predetermined the character of construction reflecting the specificity of the landscape. The construction of the city began with the foundation on the high right bank of the Kuznetsk ostrog and its further expansion on the right bank, represented by a wide floodplain zone. The article shows a retrospective analysis of the sequence of the city construction, which allowed to id entify stages and periods of formation of the architectural and planning structure of Novokuznetsk taking into account the landscape basis. The precity stage with the periods of archeological and Siberian exploration is defined first. The main features of this stage are the development by ancient settlements of isolated landscapes along the river arteries and the construction of fortified outposts and roadside villages. The urban stage with the periods of formation of the historical core, development of the near river basin, development of the far river basin, development of the inter-river basin, development of the territory from the agglomeration core along the urbanized frame is defined as the next one. The main features of this stage are the foundation of the future Cossack forstadt, its design and development of the right bank zone of the future city, the construction of the Upper and Lower Colony, “Garden City” and “Social City”, the formation of urban agglomeration and the surrounding forest and park green belt. The retrospective of the urban historical plans of the highlighted stages and periods of construction with represented residential and natural landscapes is shown. The modern characteristic of six administrative formations of Novokuznetsk Urban District is given, taking into account the landscape specifics of their territories.





