To a phytochemical study of Kazakhstani species Fritillaria karelinii (Fisch. ex D. Don) Baker


  • A. Tursynbay
  • Zh.Zh. Karzhaubekova
  • N.G. Gemejiyeva



Fritillaria karelinii bulbs, phytochemical analysis, amino acids, fat acids, quantitative content


Present article provides the results of a primary phytochemical analysis of Fritillaria karelinii (Fisch. ex
D. Don) Baker (syn. Rhinopetalum karelinii Fisch. ex D. Don) from family Liliaceae Juss., collected from different fields of populations in the Almaty region. A comparative analysis of water-alcohol isolations allowed identifying three substances belonging to phenolic nature, and the quantitative contents of flavonoids (in the range of 0.7–1.03 % in terms of air dry matter) and some other biological active compounds (alkaloids, amino acids, organic acids). There is a correlation in the quantitative content of arginine (max) and methionine (min) out of 13 amino acids that were identified in bulbs of three studied samples. By accumulation of amino acids, the Ili plant sample shows quantitatively different from the other two, for example arginine, proline (0.475), leucine (0.372), lysine, valine, phenyl, threonine, and alanine (0.51–0.31) prevail, and methionine and histidine were less than 0.1 %. Valine, threonine and proline are contained in the range of 0.298–
0.193 %, while lysine, leucine, phenylalanine, and serine are in the range of 0.175–0.161 % for a sample collected near Nurly village. The content of other identified amino acids was below 0.15 %.





