Kazakhstan populations of dandelion kok-saghyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin)
T. kok-saghyz, area, populations, climate, soils, abundance, density, in situ genbankAbstract
Dandelion kok-saghyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin) is endemic to the intermountain valleys of the Tien Shan. As a source of high-quality rubber, T. kok-saghyz is generally recognized as a promising crop for cultivation in a temperate climate zone, where the traditional source of rubber is the tropical Hevea tree (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) it doesn't take root. Kazakh populations of T. kok-saghyz have been a source of seeds for domestic and foreign scientific centers, programs and industrial use since 1932, for 90 years. T. kok-saghyz is included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan; measures are needed to protect this rare, en-demic species. The purpose of the review. To provide information on the status of Kazakhstan populations of
T. kok-saghyz, on proposals for their conservation and use. The main part. For the first time, the data of stud-ies of Kazakhstani populations of T. kok-saghyz of the last century (L.E. Rodin, 1932; A.D. Cherenkovа, 1934; S.Y. Lipshits, 1953; K. Mynbaev, 1946; D.E. Filippov, 1953) and the 21st century (N.M. Mukhitdinov and co-authors, 2015; Jan Kirschner and Peter van Dijk, 2013; K.R. Uteulin, I.O. Baitulin 2017). The presented materials substantiate the expediency of organizing the T. kok-saghyz field genbank in situ. In situ, the T. kok-saghyz field genbank is an implemented technological innovation that ensures the conservation and use of Kazakhstan's T. kok-saghyz genetic resources, a way to protect this rare species included in the Red Book.
To obtain T. kok-saghyz seeds, it is not necessary to obtain special permits for access to its in situ coenopopulations. Since the T. kok-saghyz field genbank was created in situ, specifically as a source of elite seeds to replenish Kazakhstani and foreign ex situ genbanks, research, breeding programs and other consumers. Main results, conclusions. The review of the literature and own data on the Kazakh populations of T. kok-saghyz in situ conditions is presented: range, climate, soils, number, age structure of populations, density, morphometric indicators.