Geochemical state of small rivers of Syrym District of West Kazakhstan region (on the example of the Rivers Buldyrty, Yesenankaty, Shiderty, Olenty)


  • M.T. Berliguzhin
  • E.H. Zhaksylykov



: small river, ecological situation, Buldyrty River, Shiderty River, Olenty River, Yesenankaty River, Water Re-sources, anthropogenic factor, chemical analysis.


Despite the fact that small rivers are called Small, their importance in terms of ecology is high. This is because the condition of large rivers will depend on smaller rivers. The degradation of small rivers negatively affects the state, is an important and urgent task. The purpose of the study was to geochemically analyze the composition of the waters of small rivers in the Syryms district and assess their quality. Water samples were taken from each river ecological state of medium and large rivers, because they feed at the expense of these small rivers. It is easy to see that every day the waters of these rivers are receding and the banks are expanding. Currently, one of the main tasks that environmental science sets for itself is to monitor the ecological state of water bodies. In connection with the conditions of increasing anthropogenic factors, determining the ecological state of small rivers plays an important role in maintaining the composition of the natural ecosystem. Small rivers are very sensitive to anthropogenic factors and react to these factors in the opposite way. The study of the chemical composition of small river waters, as well as their ecological state, is an important and urgent task. The aim of the study is a geochemical analysis of the composition of small river waters in the Syrymsky district and an assessment of their quality. Water samples were taken from each river to determine the composition of the water quality. The cameral stage was held in the laboratory of environmental and biogeochemical testing of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University. Chemical analysis was carried out using the widely used methods GOST 26449.1 — 85. After analyzing the indicators of water samples taken from the research area, it was found that the maximum raual concentration level did not exceed, except for the total hardness.





