Application of GIS technology in cross-border tourism cooperation planning. Taking the analysis of the spatial pattern of cross-border eco-tourism cooperation in the Altai Mountains region as an example


  • F. Han
  • A. Adai
  • B.D. Zhandilla



GIS, tourism planning and development, spatial pattern, application value, ecotourism, 3D scene simulation, terrain analysis


Since the 1960s, the application of GIS technology in the field of geography has led geography to the devel-opment path of informatization and digitization. GIS technology, which focuses on spatial information analysis and spatial data management, has become an important spatial system for geographic exploration. GIS technology has extremely important advantages in collecting, processing, simulating, analyzing and expressing geospatial data. Object: This paper takes the spatial pattern of cross-border tourism cooperation in the Altai Mountains region as the research object. Methods: The research methods are: the terrain analysis, three-dimensional scene simulation, data statistics, suitability analysis, visual domain analysis, transportation network analysis, and project site selection of GIS technology in tourism planning. Results: The presented research is analytical in nature. The specific application of GIS technology in tourism planning is discussed. Also, 7 types of GIS applications were considered in the paper. In summary, GIS is mainly composed of data input system, data management system, spatial analysis system and data output system. It has very important application value in tourism management and development.





