To the evaluation of raw materials of medical plants of Ulytau mountains (Karagandy region)
Улытау, лекарственные растения, сырьевые запасы, урожайность, эксплуатационный запасAbstract
At the territory of Ulytau mountains to the base of investigations were determined the spreading and raw ma-terials of 10 species if medical plants. By ability of using of medical plants of Ulytau mountains as sources of raw materials we separated all species to the following categories: species having the wide area, forming the
significant natural square and suitable to industrial gathering; species having small natural area and suitable
for gathering of raw materials for necessities of the local medicine network; species sprouting as individual
exemplars and not forming natural squares which are suitable to gathering of raw materials; species having
safe status, that is to say rare, disappearing, endemic plants.