Study of morphological characteristics and productivity of flower and vegetable plants when using of moisture sorbents in open ground
овощные, цветочно-декоративные, гидрогель, массовые всходы, всхожесть, проростки, контроль, морфологические показателиAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of vegetable and flower plants growth, development and productivity features when using of moisture sorbents in open ground. Methods of hydrogels application into the ground and dose are optimized on 2 sorts of radish, 1 sort of lettuce leaf and Calendula officinalis. The hydrogel was tested in the following quantities: 120, 150, 180 and 200 kg / ha. It was found that variants of experiments using of moisture sorbents can reduce the time of primary and mass germination appearance, reduce the period to the technical maturity of vegetable crops. The best plant growth and productivity were obtained when adding moisture sorbents dose of 150–180 kg/ha.