Changes of mechanisms of a cellular metabolism under the influence of factors of the production environment
кəсіби, технология, өндірістік, еңбек, тозаң, шу, фермент, липид, жасуша, дірілAbstract
The literary review on the analysis of a cellular metabolism when forming adaptation and compensatory mechanisms is presented in article and actually pathology from influence of industrial dust and vibration. Mechanisms of change of the phospholipids thus which are not only by the most important structural for-mations of biomembranes, but also important bioeffectors, regulators and mediators of various specific processes of a cage are analysed violation of regulation of free radical processes in an organism, a role in this process of active forms of oxygen. It is shown that the intensification of processes the FLOOR serves one of
markers of risk of development against a vibration illness of a pneumoconiosis.