The 4th issue of the Bulletin of the University of Karaganda, series geography was formed by the guest editor - Chernykh D.V.


Chernykh Dmitry Vladimirovich – is a Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS, Professor, Altai State University. He is an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Permanent Environmental Commission of the Russian Geographical Society. Member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology. Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Altai Territory. Member of the editorial board of the journals Geography and Natural Resources and Stepeology Issues. Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Tigirek State Reserve. Organizer and leader of numerous scientific expeditions in Siberia. Author of more than 200 publications in the field of landscape science, landscape ecology, landscape hydrology, environmental mapping, paleogeography, conservation.

We thank Chernykh D.V. for cooperation and excellent work on the formation of the geography series!