Species composition of vascular plants of Western Karatau gorges (Mangyshlak)


  • Zh.A. Adamzhanova
  • N.I. Duysenova
  • A.B. Lukmanov




important botanical area, flora, vegetation, species composition, Western Karatau


Analysis of flora and identification of important plant areas in Kazakhstan is an important task for the conservation of biological diversity. On the territory of Mangistau region an important object for identification is the vegetation of the Western Karatau ridge, where a large number of species grow, including species with conservation status. Analysis of species composition of vascular plants of 8 gorges (Samal, Akmysh, Kogez, Botakan, Zhemsemsay, Karasay, Kendirli, Shybyksay) allowed to determine 60 species from 53 genera and 26 families in the summer flora. The dominant families are Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Lamiaceae, and Rosaceae. By life forms, perennials and small perennials dominate, by ecological groups — xerophytes and xeromesophytes. The similarity between the floras of the gorges was established on the basis of Jaccard's coefficient, which varied from 0.26 to 0.58. The minimum similarity was observed between Zhemsemsay and Shybyksay gorges, the maximum — between Samal and Kogez gorges. Growth of 7 species classified as rare and endangered plants of Mangistau region, as well as 3 species listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan was noted. On the basis of the performed research recommendations were given for inclusion of the gorges of the Western Karatau Ridge in the list of important plant areas.





