Species diversity of wild fruit plants of the natural flora of the Kazakh Altai


  • A.N. Danilova
  • E.A. Isakova
  • A.A. Sumbembayev
  • O.A. Lagus
  • O.A. Anifrieva
  • T.A. Vdovina




life forms, alien species, Kazakhstan Altai, location, fruit and berry plant species, ecological groups.


The purpose of this work was identification of modern species diversity of wild fruit and berry plants in the
flora of the Kazakhstan Altai and their ranking according to a set of biological indicators. As a result of
studying the biodiversity of vascular plants of the Kazakhstan Altai, using the route-reconnaissance method,
it was established that 52 species of fruit and berry plants belonging to 22 genera and 12 families grow on its
territory. The largest number of species taxa is represented by 3 families: Rosaceae, Caprifoliaceae,
Grossulariaceae, which contain 29 species, which is 55.77 % of the total. Among plant communities with the
participation of fruit and berry species, forest (26 %) and meadow associations (23 %) occupy a dominant position,
synanthropic phytocenoses with the participation of Solanum dulcamara and S. nigrum are also established
in abandoned garden plots of settlements in the region. The growth of 7 alien fruit and berry species
was identified: Alkekengi officinarum, Berberis vulgaris, Malus baccata, Ribes aureum, Sambucus racemosa,
Sorbus aucuparia, Symphoricarpos albus, of which only Malus baccata formed its own communities. According
to life forms, fruit and berry species are represented by trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs, subshrubs, and
herbaceous perennials. Shrubs dominate by 36 species (69.2 %). In relation to the moisture factor, the identified
species are ranked by 6 ecological groups, where mesophytes predominate — 36 species (69.2 %). Of the
fruit and berry species, 3 species are currently protected at the state level: Daphne altaica, Paris quadrifolia
and Vaccinium microcarpum, included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan with the status of rarity category II.





