Native dendroflora of Western Kazakhstan at introduction in the Mangistau desert
aborigenal dendroflora, Western Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Atyrau, flora, population, introduction.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the indigenous dendroflora of Western Kazakhstan and its introduction
into the desert conditions of Mangistau. The flora of the Mangistau region includes 770 species of higher
spore and vascular plants belonging to 333 genera and 73 families. In Atyrau region, 899 species of higher
vascular plants have been recorded, associated with 351 genera and 85 families. Indigenous woody plants
comprise 7.8 % of the total flora in the Atyrau region and 16.7 % in the Mangistau region, indicating their
low representation in the vegetation cover. The status of natural populations of six woody fruit and berry species
has been studied: Crataegus ambigua, Crataegus altaica, Rosa laxa, Rosa iliensis, Ribes aureum, and
Lonicera tatarica. The selection of representatives of the indigenous dendroflora of Western Kazakhstan has
begun for the formation of a collection, which includes 14 species, four of which are rare and endangered,
listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. It analyzes indigenous woody plants, their nutritional, medicinal, and
ecological functions, as well as their potential for ecosystem restoration and ensuring food security.