Oat yield with organic fertilizer Guminatrin
oats, cultivars, Guminatrin, yield, yield structure elements, yield gain.Abstract
Currently, the oats are cultivated in almost all regions of Russia. The aim of our research is to study the formation of oat yield according to the application of growth stimulator Guminatrin under the conditions of Priobskaya zone of Altai Krai.The work was conducted on the basis of the training plots of Altai State Agricultural University in 2020–2021.The objects of research were oaks cultivars ‘Korifej’, ‘Pegas’, ‘Argument’, ‘Vektor’, ‘Rusich’. Working solution was prepared at the rate of 2 l of Guminatrin to 8 l of water. The consumption of working solution for treatment: seeds - 10 l per 1 t; plants by vegetation - 1.5-2 l per 1 ha.During the research the following records and observations: the yield structure, the yield of oats, the mass of 1000 seeds.The most responsive cultivarto the growth stimulant Guminatrin was ‘Rusich’. Pre-seeding treatment of seeds and then the plants by vegetating with the Guminatrin contributed to an increase in the yield structure elements of the investigated oats cultivars, and as a consequence resulted in an increase in yield compared to control by 0,38-0.65 t/ha.