Checklist of rare plants of the flora Ulytau Region
Kazakhstan, Asia, biodiversity, endemism, rare plants, Red Book.Abstract
In the article a list and a brief analysis of rare plants of the flora of Ulytau region, listed in the Red Book of
Kazakhstan was presented. According to the conducted researches 20 species of rare plants included in the
Red Book of Kazakhstan are registered in Ulytau region: Adonis volgensis, Anabasis turgaica, Astragalus
krascheninnikovii, Crambe tataria, Craniospermum subvillosum, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Ledebouriella
seseloides, Oxytropis subverticillaris, Pulsatilla patens, Silene betpakdalensis, Spiraeanthus schrenkianus,
Stipa pennata, Tanacetum ulutavicum, Tulipa albertii, Tulipa biebersteiniana, Tulipa biflora, Tulipa
borszczowii, Tulipa patens, Tulipa suaveolens, Valeriana chionophila. We propose to exclude 5 species
(Crambe tataria, Pulsatilla patens, Stipa pennata, Tulipa biebersteiniana and Tulipa patens) from the Red
Data Book of Kazakhstan, as they do not need protection. We consider it is necessary to include in the next
edition of the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan 8 species of narrow-local endemics growing only in Ulytau region:
Astragalus krascheninnikovii, Clausia kasakhorum, Gagea sarysuensis, Hedysarum ulutavicum, Seseli
betpakdalense, Seseli mironovii, Silene anisoloba, Thymus crebrifolius.